We want to keep you updated about Tanbark. Continue to watch for email messages and updates here, and on our Facebook page.
The pre-entry closing date in June 3rd, so appreciate you submitting your entries by that date. As an added convenience, we have online entering available with
www.HorseShowsOnline.com. We encourage everyone to use of the online option, especially if you enter after the closing date. Prize lists were mailed in early May. If you’ve not received a copy and would like one mailed, please notify Sally or Doug.
Class 19- Pleasure Pony Under Saddle
Class 45- Sunrise Junior Hunter Challenge (this is a change in class title as this will now be an official hunter challenge class)
Class 58- ASB 5-Gaited Show Pleasure Limit Horse
Warm Up Areas
All Warm Up and Exercise areas will be available this year, including the Cattle Barn Arena, Compeer Arena and the Coverall adjacent to the Coliseum. We will ensure that all those areas are in good order to accommodate exhibitor warm up needs.
Sponsorships and Advertising
Our sponsorship campaign is underway. Thanks to all of you who have already sponsored. Full details are available in the prize list on our website if you’d like to show your support this way. Sponsorships of $200 or more include box seats and a hospitality bag. Trophy sponsorships are available for $100. We also offer advertising as part of the scrolling display on the Coliseum Jumbotron. Cost is $75 per page. We welcome your ideas about sponsorships possibilities and can customize to meet your needs.
Hospitality and Exhibitor Parties
Plans are underway for this year’s events. We’ll again host the hospitality area in the show office. The traditional Thursday evening Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by Valiant Stables is back, along with the Exhibitor’s Party on Friday evening and the breakfast on Saturday morning. We’ll also have the Tuesday Trainer and Grooms lunch. If you’re interested in being a hospitality or party sponsor, they are many opportunities still available. We’d be happy to discuss a sponsor amount that works for you.
Online Auction
Tanbark will again host an online silent auction using the 32Auctions site, with proceeds from the auction supporting both Saddlebred Rescue and We Can Ride. Please consider donating an item to the auction. All donations will be handled by auction coordinators-
Sherri Nitti, 612/916-9915, slnitti55@gmail.com and Shelli Wilk, 651/206-0238, sdwilk@comcast.net. Watch for additional details in future emails and Facebook posts.
Wine on Wheels
The MN Saddlebred Horse Association will be hosting “Wine on Wheels” as a fundraiser for MSHA programs. Prior to the evening show sessions, watch for the strolling wine wagon in the stabling area. For a $20 donation, you may select a bottle from our selection. Everyone is a guaranteed winner and it’s a great way to support MSHA.
We look forward to seeing you at the show! If you have any questions about the show, please contact us.
Sally Snyder Tesch, 612/968-8618, sstesch@juno.com
Doug Lindstrom, 612/477-2060, douglas.a.lindstrom@wellsfargo.com